The Principles of a Godly Family
Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Deuteronomy is a farewell address by Moses. In this book, Moses gathered the nation of Israel together for one last period of instruction. Moses knows that he is about to die, and he wishes to recap the blessings of God in their past and the commandments of God that will direct their future. In the middle of this final “pep rally,” Moses takes time to address the family. Moses is wise enough to know that the family is the backbone of the nation. Moses recognizes that, “As the family goes, so goes the nation.” It is within this address to the nation of Israel that we find great principles that should govern our families. We find three principles to help us have a godly family.
Announcements for Tuesday, April 21, 2020
I love you and I miss seeing you all. Lord willing, we are nearing the end of this trial. Lori and I are excited about this week! We can't wait to meet our son and bring him home! We are grateful for you, and we know that we couldn't have done this without your support and prayers. See you online, Tuesday! Serving Christ by Serving You, Pastor Scott Silver Creek Baptist Church Phased Re-entry Plan During the previous two months, we all have experienced events we thought we would never see in our lifetime, but God has been faithful. Despite the need to temporarily suspend our worship gatherings due to COVID-19, the mission of the church continued through the last two months. Our online and drive-in meetings have been successful; however, these methods are not sustainable. The church must gather together. At the same time, we must take certain precautions in how we begin to meet again. Below is a phased approach to re-entry which takes into consideration our need to gather together as well as the needs of everyone in our community. This phased re-entry plan provides a graduated approach allowing for those who feel comfortable to participate in corporate worship and other ministries in an environment as safe as possible. One thing must be stressed: if you do not feel comfortable yet, you must do what is right for you and your family. That decision remains in your hands. For the first little while, if you are vulnerable or have a member of your family who is at high risk, please be safe. If you chose to attend any function, please take extra precautions to guard your wellbeing.
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