April 2, 2020
Boxers, Go to Your Corners! Luke 6:12 Jesus often retreated to a place where he could spend time alone with the Father. I don’t know about your house and your family, but for me and many others, life has been turned upside down these past two weeks. Then, I consider at least four more weeks! Wow! Is there an end in sight? Jesus pulled away after a very trying time. People were fussing and “raging” (Luke 6:11). Instead of seeing the pharisees as evil bad guys here, consider viewing the scenario like this: the very people Jesus came to save were the people fussing and raging over him picking grain and healing on the Sabbath. Frequently, Jesus withdrew from even those he loved. He found a quiet place to get alone and pray. He spent time with the Father and drew His strength from God during those times alone. Also notice, when Jesus came back down from the mountain, He went right back to work. Our job is not finished! We have a mission, and that mission begins at home. When tensions rise, find a place to “go to your corner.” Practice this separation periodically, yet in addition to your normal quiet time. We are made to be together, but we also are made for periodic rejuvenation by spending a special and extended time alone with God. You can survive this quarantine with your family! Draw your strength from God! Prayer Requests:
Remember, I love each of you. I am praying for you. I am here for you. Please, reach out if I can do anything for you. I am also working on better means of communication through the week. I hope to have something in place by the first of next week. Serving Him by Serving You, Pastor Scott Comments are closed.
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