Fresh Donkeys and Fresh Figs! (Part 1)
Mark 11:1-14 “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” What a beautiful scene! Jesus riding into Jerusalem triumphantly on the back of a young colt. People laid down their coats and palm branches as Jesus passed. Everyone shouted praises to Him. I imagine most people thought that everything seemed perfect that day. However, what was Jesus thinking? Let’s consider a few things. First, Jesus asked for a young colt that had never been ridden. One person described this colt as a “fresh” donkey. This colt had not been broken. Normally, if someone tried to ride an unbroken colt, it would try to buck off its rider and run away. However, Jesus is sovereign over creation. Jesus miraculously calmed the colt, so he could use it for His purposes. When we trust the Lord with all our circumstances and all our life, he gives us peace and calms us. Only with his peace and calm, can we fulfill his complete purpose for our lives. Second, Jesus told his two disciples that if anyone asked about why they were taking the colt, simply say, “The Lord has need of it.” As these two disciples untied the colt, someone standing by asked, “What are you doing untying the colt?” We need to ask ourselves this question – Are we willing to sacrifice our projects and our possessions to the Lord’s purposes? Think about this colt a little more. Those men put in a lot of work to tie up that unbroken colt. No wonder they asked, “What are you doing?” when the disciples untied it! Just like that project, are we willing to sacrifice our projects for the purposes of Christ? When God asks as certain service of us, do we freely give it? Maybe, God is asking you to confess something publicly or give up something you’ve worked hard on. You should be obedient without reservation. The same goes for our possessions. Do you have anything that God is asking you to give up for His purposes? Be willing to sacrifice your projects and possessions to the Lord as soon as He asks. Lastly, Hosanna literally means, “Save us, I pray.” Through the years of Jewish tradition, it became a term of praise. The Jewish people assumed that Jesus was entering Jerusalem to restore the Kingdom at that time. Not only did they miss the point of what was getting ready to happen (crucifixion), but the same people who cried our “Hosanna” on Sunday were the same people who cried out “crucify Him” on Friday. Do you remember 9/11? I remember on that day people were huddled together in prayer. Many thought God was using that tragedy to turn our nation back to Him. Our churches were full the Sunday after 9/11. However, they did not stay full long. A few short weeks later, as things returned to normal, people again stopped coming to church. My prayer is that God will use this time to bring a lasting revival. May God use our present circumstances to honestly bring back to Himself a great number of people. If this revival is truly from God, it will last the test of time. Do not allow the promises you make to follow God fail when things go back to normal. Use these next few weeks to solidify your commitment to God. How? Determine now, in your heart, to attend the assembly of the church when we can once again gather. Determine in your heart to get involved and serve God through the local church. Make the commitment, now, to not turn back on the promises you are making to God today. Lord willing, on Tuesday night, we will consider the Fresh Figs portion of this message! Announcements:
I am praying for all of you! Please let me know how I can pray and how I can help. Serving Christ, Pastor Scott Comments are closed.
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